That ‘Good Ride’ Glow

Suzanne and I went to Lord Hill again yesterday.  Lord Hill is a) close b) has varied terrain that gives an excellent work out within a reasonably sort period of time (i.e. hills)

Suzanne wants to start doing Endurance with her OTTB Hawk.  So, we’ve been starting slowly.  Between Suzanne, Hawk, Galen and I, three of us are rehabbing.  Hint, Galen isn’t the one.

It was a perfect day for a ride, not too warm, no bugs, but reasonably dry trails.  On our last outings, we’ve only ridden about an hour, mostly because of my ankle.  Yesterday, we rode for two hours!  The plan was to do some tiny water crossings, until Hawk decided that he can walk through water, instead of leaping over them (he has been an Eventer, so can be excused for thinking that is the task).  We got to the Quarry and went back and forth over the little creek there.  We had thought about heading down to the river, but were going to be at two hours at that time.

May 26 2 2016Galen looking out at the Quarry.

May 26 2016Hawk wondering what the grass is like ‘over there’

After getting back and forth over the tiny creek, we headed back.  Galen probably gained 10 pounds on the ride, as we kept stopping to sample grass.  We walked (on human foot) the last quarter mile in and by the time we got to the trailer I was only grade 2 lame.  Suzanne did ask if I’d get pulled at a vet check when we started.

Got home, put horses away and had a lovely glow the rest of the day (at least I did).

No drugs for me, either before or after, which is good too.  I’m still a little sore today, but not bad.  Yeah!

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